How Many Miles Does A Toyota Corolla Last

I have a 1997 Toyota Corolla with 309000 miles on it, and it still runs great, the engine is nice and quiet. If you take it easy on it, change the oil every 3000 miles and keep up with the simple things like transmission fluid flush, radiator flush, brake and power steering flush, differential flush, spark plugs stuff like that which is easy for the average person to do, it will last a long time.
How many miles does a toyota corolla last. Knowing the common Toyota Yaris problems and dealing with them right away can help you get more miles out of your subcompact. You should also arm yourself with the right tools, supplies, and model/year-specific Yaris service and repair manual. This way, you can perform many of the easy and money-saving DIY fixes on your ride. How Many Miles Can a Car Last? Not every car model is built to withstand the same mileage. Just looking back a decade ago, many car owners were already bracing for the 100,000 mile mark and on the lookout for major issues to come. However, the average passenger car now has the potential to last for at least 200,000 miles or nearly 12 years. Toyota are known for their reliability, with Carlsbad drivers keeping their vehicles for years – even decades– because of the incredible craftsmanship and parts, built to last for up to 250,000 miles or more. Toyota Corolla reviews also mention the safety and dependability of this iconic vehicle, with high resale value and satisfaction scores. Highway miles tend to be easier on cars than city miles. When you go to sell a Toyota Camry with high miles, buyers are less likely to be wary of its driveability. This doesn’t mean a high resale value, but it does extend the car’s shelf life. After 100,000 miles any car will be leaning towards its minimum trade-in value.
They can and do last for 20 years/ 500k miles or more with basic maintainence. Accidents, tires, shocks, brakes, batteries, seat belts, door handles, and catching up with 3 generations of old music technology, etc is up to the owner. Had a guy tha... I have a 2010 Toyota Corolla with 85,000 miles on it. I change the oil every 5,000 miles. I just paid off the car loan after 4.5 years. It's a great car and I hope to drive it for many years. I drive 18,000 miles a year; a mix of city and highway driving. Can I get it to 300,000 miles without major repairs? Is that asking too much? Thanks. I've had my 06 1.4 diesel corolla for 6 days now and done 310 miles only just reached the half tank mark. And that was with a trip into london the other day. Including 2.5 hour 1st gear traffic jam on way home. So I'm very satisfied with the economy of the new 1.4 diesel. Hoping for 600 miles a tank :) average speed 22mph so far I own a 2007 corolla s with currently 148,000 miles and drives the same as it did the first day I bought it. I bought it with 86,000 a little over a year ago, and use it for delivering sushi. Averaging about 1000 miles a week and a average of 36mpg (with a lot of city driving and a heavy foot with ac always on).
The batteries in Toyota’s hybrid vehicles are efficient, corrosion-resistant units designed to last, which is why Toyota’s standard battery warranty is five years or 100,000 miles and can be extended up to 15 years with no limit on total mileage – read more about this here. How do I know how many miles can a toyota corolla last? Today, there are many calculators for converting one value to another and vice versa. At the touch of a button, you can find out how many miles can a toyota corolla last. To do this, you need to write in the search box (for example, google) how many miles can a toyota corolla last and add. Toyota Tundra. Any car or truck that can not only no longer see 250,000 in its rearview mirror but has witnessed the odometer max out at 999,999 as it drives on past a million miles easily makes. According to Toyota, there are examples of first generation Prius cars still on the road after 300,000 miles, but that may not be the average driver's experience. Toyota claims that the batteries are designed to last for the life of the vehicle, or approximately 125,000 miles.
Time and mileage vary between car drivers and how they use or abuse their transmissions. Still, typical automatic transmissions last around 150,00 to 200,000 miles or approximately 7 years. Cases exist in both extremes; extreme longevity and early failure. Many car owners unintentionally ignore their transmission health until it’s too late. I have become a fan of the Toyota Corolla while on a quest to find the world’s most “no-nonsense, no headaches car,” and have owned two so far. This question is actually two questions: 1. which of the Corollas actually is the average model? 2. how... I have a 1998 Corolla LE and it has about 130,000 miles on it with no problems. My toyota dealer said he drove one for 15 years. They are very dependable with regular maintenance. I had an 1983 Corolla for 5 years, until it turned 120K in 1988, and have had many Toyota's since. Last Tuesday I went to a Dealer auction & picked up a 2018 Corolla SE, which appears to be brand new with only 560 miles on it.
The Toyota Corolla is one of the most reliable vehicles on the road today, with Calhoun drivers enjoying years of comfortable, dependable driving. When you follow the proper maintenance schedule, your Toyota Corolla life expectancy can reach up to 10 years or 300,000 miles or more!Learn how to get the most out of your car with the service experts at Riverside Toyota. With regular maintenance your Camry can go forever. My 2010 has 65K on it right now and I'm expecting many many more miles out of it. I've also got an 03 Acura TL my wife drives with 270K on it. She drove from Indiana to Utah last year and back. 2500 miles round trip and not a single problem. The only passenger car on this list of long-distance runners, 2.6 percent of all Toyota Avalon sedans in the resale market last year are estimated to have seen at least 200,000 miles. 12. Honda. 01dds6 fueled-up their 2020 Toyota Corolla. Last Tank: 37.6 MPG 12 minutes ago; jwill00 had 1 best tank(s) for their 2010 Toyota Corolla. Last Tank: 255.7 MPG 1 hour ago; hector00 added 1 notes for their 1982 Toyota Corolla. 9 hours ago; Tandsh had 1 best tank(s) for their 2013 Toyota Corolla. Last Tank: 34.0 MPG 10 hours ago
If you do regular maintenance, change oil and put money for repairs, your Corolla can last 368 000 Kms (230 000 Miles) or more. Corollas are very tough and reliable cars. With only 70 000 Miles, your Corolla is not ready to die yet. Cherish your Corolla and she`ll give you many years of happiness.